If you are a startup or company...
…looking for investors or have a business idea that you want to develop in any smart cities sectors to promotion and development of your specific city, please fill out the following form.

If you’re a Mayor, an Entrepreneur, Business Person, Startup, Investor or anyone with responsibilities to build a bright future for new generations in cities, contact us!
StartSmart.city is a special incubation/acceleration program specifically designed to support and invest in cities and startups that develop projects directly or indirectly related to smart cities to strengthen the social and economic fabric of the territory.
StartSmart.city was created with the goal of supporting and contributing to the progress of cities by attracting and retaining talent and entrepreneurs by providing different and alternative channels for access to investment and financing.
The project can be implemented in two ways
The StartSmart.city project is an initiative of the ZOOM GLOBAL SMART CITIES Association. A non-profit organization that aims to contribute to the dynamization and effective development of smart cities around the world. It is an association of individuals with diverse backgrounds and skills with high professional experience.
ZGSC is also an engine for boosting private investment in cities and businesses by sharing knowledge and resources with all stakeholders and engaging them in a real “ideal” city-building process.
If you are a city looking for investment attraction, serious incubation project and alternatives to traditional problem-solving financing, investment models and sustainable economic growth, you should send a message to info@startsmart.city and we will contact you shortly. An in-person or remote meeting is scheduled depending on your location.
If you have a coworking space and wish to include in your offer an incubation/acceleration component with access to alternative financing and investment channels, you should send a message to info@startsmart.city and we will contact you scheduling personal or remote meeting depending on your location.
If you run an incubator/accelerator and want to include a smart city dedicated component warranting a world-renowned partner with access to a wide network of potential funding sources for your startups, you should should send a message to info@startsmart.city and we will contact scheduling personal or remote meeting depending on your location.
…and would like to submit to our project appraisal system, any opportunity that you consider important for the development of your territory and which has a public-private investment partnership option available or simply open to private investors, please click to fill the form.
…looking for investors or have a business idea that you want to develop in any smart cities sectors to promotion and development of your specific city, please fill out the following form.